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Friday, 18 October. The four of us left about 11:00 for an excursion to Mt. Hiei, known as the mother of Japanese Buddhism. Since the founding of a monastery here in the 8th century, most of the top of the mountain has become a temple. It is known as Enryaku and consists of various temple complexes with many different buildings. Mt. Hiei looms over the rice fields around Tom's apartment. We took a taxi to the lower station of the cable car (really a funicular) in Sakamoto. From the top station we walked up a steep road that led through the temple area.

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Mt. Hiei & rice field near Tom's
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Mt. Hiei cable car
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Temple on Mt. Hiei

Beyond that, we came to a bus stop and took the bus to the Hiei Garden Museum, only recently opened. This is an integrated garden and museum, with the garden designed like scenes from French impressionist paintings. Copies of the paintings are displayed on ceramic panels throughout the garden. At the end of a leisurely stroll through the garden, we stopped at its café near the summit where there normally were magnificent vistas of both Kyoto and Lake Biwa. Unfortunately, though, despite the beautiful sunny day, a thick haze limited our view.

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Jane & Kyoko in Garden Museum
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Us in Hiei Garden Museum
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Jane by roses

We retraced our steps back to the cable car station in time to catch the 4:00 car down to Sakamoto. We stopped to do a little grocery shopping on the way back to Tom's. That evening we walked to a nearby yakitori restaurant for an interesting and enjoyable dinner. Although the low table had a sunken floor under it for our legs, it was still difficult to get in and out.

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